2 Homemade Pizza Dough Recipes to Try
Today is National Pepperoni Pizza Day (9/20). Every day should be pizza day because everyone loves pizza. Even bad pizza is still pretty good for a slice. It’s just something we can all agree on. It’s also something we can all make at home. If you’ve never tried to make pizza at home it’s time to put it on your list. No better day for it than National Pepperoni Pizza Day. It’s fun to make solo and with your kids. If you’re making it with kids, expect it to be messy. Ugh, clean up too? We’re making memories here people!
Basic pizza dough uses such a simple group of ingredients: Water, Salt, Yeast, Flour. The changes between the recipes are simple. From what I’ve learned in making pizza at home it’s all trial and error. Error isn’t really the correct word, because unless you’re dough is a disaster it’s not an error. Small changes in the recipes can and will change the color and taste of the dough. That’s ok because one way might hit your taste buds better than that same way would for someone else. Let’s get to 3 recipes I really like and tend to go to when it’s a pizza-making night at home.
Gennaro Contaldo’s Dough
Let’s start with my favorite chef follow on Instagram. He’s originally from Italy, now living in London and doing stuff with another great Chef Jamie Oliver. Gennaro’s videos are funny and you can see how much he loves making food. Most importantly his recipes are awesome. Check out his Instagram and YouTube while you’re here.
Chris Bianco’s Pizza Dough
Netflix has some really good cooking shows. I sort of stumbled upon Chris when watching Chef’s Table: Pizza. Lucky for me, Chris was the focus of the first episode (I didn’t make it much further into the season). Ever since watching this episode and finding out about Chris’ Pizzeria Bianco this has been my go-to pizza dough recipe. Again it’s an easy recipe. In this recipe/article from Food & Wine that Bianco wrote he really explains what happens to the dough and it’s different tastes depending on the length of proofing time you give it. I love this recipe, it’s turned out really well for me and that’s cooking in my normal kitchen oven. At some point, I’ll get my hands on one of these new outdoor pizza ovens and really experience the Chris Bianco Pizza dough.

There are thousands of dough recipes out there, it’s just a matter of finding the one you really like! I’d say make your life easy and start with the pros. Even when you find one you really like, and you get comfortable making it, you can tweak it to make small changes to the taste. If you’re nervous about making your own pizza dough, just remember it’s 4 simple ingredients and it is really easy. Pizza good. No pizza bad.