The World Oddities Expo was in Philly this past weekend. We decided to go. Here’s some of the weird stuff we saw.
This year’s expo was the 3rd Annual World Oddities Expo held in Philly. It was at the PA Convention Center, and due to overwhelming popularity, this year’s event was over two days. The event was held April 15th and 16th. We went on Sunday, April 16th and had a great time. The traveling oddities festival is “where weird thrives”. Packed with artists, vendors, performers, educators, and live entertainment. It’s a magical and macabre experience for attendees and presenters alike.
Tickets were just $20 (kids 12 and under free). The event allowed visitors the opportunity to get a tattoo on site, watch live entertainment and participate in hands-on ticketed workshops. Some of the workshops included Owl Pellet Dissection, a Victorian Hair Bouquet class, Insect Pinning, and even Bird and Rat Head Taxidermy. For $5 extra, you could also buy a ticket to the freak show.
We’ll be back for the 2024 World Oddities Expo too. If you missed it, here are some of the weird, fun, and well… odd things you missed. Lots sold by local vendors and most are available to purchase from online.
Happy shopping! Just think how unique your White Elephant gift can be at the office Christmas party this year!
~ Kristen