Kristen speaks with New Jersey’s Digital Director Pearl Gabel, and Digital Assistant Megan Coyne, about the informative, and often hilarious @NJGov Twitter Account. When Governor Phil Murphy’s administration began in New Jersey, so did a new approach to social media in the state. One that accurately reflects a very familiar “Jerz” attitude.
“Who let New Jersey have a Twitter? Your Mom.”
Pearl and Megan (from Jersey themselves), chat with Kristen and allow a glimpse behind the @NJGov account curtain. Besides running the Twitter account for entire state of New Jersey, they also run the rest of New Jersey’s social media accounts, as well as oversee the website for the state, and a number of other responsibilities. Informative, yet hella snarky, if you follow any local accounts on Twitter, @NJGov is a good one. Pearl and Megan also suggest the PA Treasury’s account @PATreasury, the account of PA’s Lieutenant Governor @JohnFetterman, and (surprisingly enough) the account for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District @neorsd.
Oh, and for the record, it’s pork roll, not Taylor ham.