Malik Gray, Health Program Analyst Supervisor: Education and Training Unit with the City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), discussed the city’s efforts to match residents with mental health care and support. As part of their initiative they offer Mental Health First Aid, an 8-hour virtual course that teaches a 5-step action plan to recognize warning signs of a mental health or substance use challenge, provide help in crisis and non-crisis situations and understand where to go for additional support. The 5-step plan, ALGEE, is Assess for risk of suicide or harm, Listen non-judgmentally, Give reassurance and info, Encourage professional help and Encourage self-help and other support strategies. The course is offered to anyone living, working or spending time in Philadelphia. For more information go to or their department website at
Follow them on social media @DBHIDS
If you are not in the Delaware Valley you can find the class and other resoucres at