Think You May Have Unclaimed Funds? Here’s What Bucks County’s Controller Wants You to Know
Bucks County Controller Pamela Van Blunk is on a mission to help people find unclaimed funds that are rightfully theirs. If you think you have funds to claim, your money may be in the approximately $1.6 billion in unclaimed funds sitting in the Controller’s Unclaimed Funds Program.
That was the case with Pennsbury School District, which received $10,000 in unclaimed funds it wasn’t aware it had. The Levittown Patch reported that Van Blunk notified Pennsbury’s chief financial officer, Chris Berdnik. After Berdnik completed the required paperwork to retrieve the funds, the Controller’s Office sent the district its cash.
Van Blunk is now sending notification letters to many owners of unclaimed funds greater than $50. She started the Unclaimed Funds Program in Bucks County approximately two years ago and has returned more than $720,000 to its owners since then.
The unclaimed funds represent monies belonging to individuals and organizations that conduct business with or receive services from the county or the courts.
If you think you’re owed unclaimed funds from Bucks County, you can search for your name on the Bucks County Controller’s Unclaimed Funds webpage. On the webpage, you’ll find an application to request the funds and instructions on how to obtain your funds.
Those who are owed payment can claim their funds directly from the Controller’s Office by U.S. mail without service charges or fees. Upon confirmation of an applicant’s documentation, the Controller’s Office will deliver the funds within four to six weeks.
For more information, contact the Bucks County Controller’s Office at 215-348-6435.