Get Paid to Eat Cheese and Sleep
Get paid to eat cheese and sleep. Could brie a pretty gouda way to make some cheddar.
Sleep Junkie is looking into a long rumored European sleep theory that eating cheese before bed gives you nightmares. To get to the bottom of this theory, they want to hire what they’re calling “dairy dreamers”.
They want to know if cheese before bed can cause nightmares, and if so, whether different cheeses affect sleep more than others. They’re hiring a team of five ‘dairy dreamers’ to eat a variety of cheese types before sleep – everything from blue cheese to brie. They’re asking that ‘dairy dreamers’ eat the cheese at the same time each night and log their sleep quality using a sleep tracker like a smart watch or fitness tracker. The cheese sleep ‘scientists’ will evaluate and provide feedback on their sleep quality, energy levels and any dreams and nightmares they have.
If hired, work begins in March. The three-month study pays $1,000 upon completion, with a week long break between each new cheese swap.
Qualified Applicants:
- Must be at least 21 years old.
- Need to own a smartwatch or fitness tracker that tracks sleep.
- Should have a consistent sleep schedule.
- Should be a self-starter, honest, with good writing skills.
- Must be able to sleep alone during the sleep trials.
- Should not suffer from any current sleep issues.
- Must not have any dairy or lactose intolerance.
Chosen candidates will be paid for their work and their cheese costs will be reimbursed.
I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t want to get paid to eat cheese.
If interested, apply HERE.
The “should not suffer from any current sleep issues” requirement may be an issue for Philadelphia residents. According to a study by this same company Sleep Junkie, Philadelphia is the worst city for sleep in the US. Wow.