Tina Le Mar from Sheltered Yoga Download

Download October 3rd, 2016


I want to introduce you to Sheltered Yoga­ a NJ 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded and run by the Executive Director, Tina LeMar. They bring evidence-­based (Rider U. analyzes their evaluations), trauma-­informed mental and behavioral health and wellness curriculum to shelters, alternative and public schools, transitional housing, foster homes and more. The life skills and self esteem building that they teach truly changes people’s lives. Tune in to hear her story.  Tina was diagnosed with severe anxiety which included panic attacks and agoraphobia and additionally diagnosed with ADHD, Today, she doesn’t suffer from ANY of these challenges -­ Yoga, Breathing, and Meditation saved her life. It is a frequent sentence out of her mouth to individuals living and suffering with the same challenges of trauma, bullying, living in fear because of crime and drugs in their neighborhoods, literacy challenges, major behavioral problems and suffering from low self esteem and self worth which feeds into their generational self oppression within their families and the communities in which they live. The children, adults, and seniors that Sheltered Yoga serves are being helped, just as Tina was many years ago. Lives are changing. Feel free to email them at info@ShelteredYoga.org to learn more and get involved.

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