Marilyn’s guest Woman of the Week is Annette Myarick CEO, Lupus Foundation of America Philadelphia Tri-State Chapter with all the details on the 25th Annual Lupus Loop – Sunday, October 30, Fairmount Park, Avenue of the Republic & West Memorial Hall Drive (Start across from Please Touch Museum)- Memorial Hall Loop 7:00AM Registration Opens, 9:00AM Start. Over 4,500 people from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware will gather to help raise money for lupus research and programs of education and support while increasing awareness of lupus and rallying public support for those who are suffering.
Lupus is an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body. It is difficult to diagnose, hard to live with, and a challenge to treat. Lupus is a cruel mystery because it is hidden from view and undefined, has a range of symptoms, strikes without warning, and has no known cause and no known cure. Its health effects can range from a skin rash to a heart attack. Lupus is debilitating and destructive and can be fatal, yet research on lupus has not kept pace with research for other diseases of similar scope and devastation.