Two spokeswomen were featured on last Sunday’s show to share details on this years AFSP Gala. Garden Logan and Shelly Leaphart Williams (Lifesavers U) are two very committed champions for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention doing everything in their power to share the message of AFSP and help create awareness for all the services provided by this not-for-profit agency. AFSP is dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. Please join them (and me) as we honor a good friend to AFSP v- HughE Dillon – Philly Chit Chat (and to Ben FM and Marilyn Russell) this Saturday at the AFSP 2015 Gala. Listen to learn more about the great work Garden and Shelly are doing and how to get tix for the Gala, hosted by Fox 29’s Alex Holley.