Cruise News 9/28/18
One day, your significant other is going to figure out that you don’t REALLY need to sit on the toilet for 45 minutes to get things moving. One sad, sad day.
According to a new survey, the average man spends a total of seven hours a year hiding in the bathroom.
The main reasons are: For some quiet time . . . to get away from their partner nagging them . . . to get a break from their kids . . . to avoid their chores . . . and to use their phone.
Unfortunately, the survey didn’t ask women how often THEY hide out in the bathroom.
A quarter of the men polled said that if they could not occasionally escape to the bathroom, they “don’t know how they’d cope”. For a third, going to the bathroom is the only way they can “get any time to themselves.”
One in four described their bathroom as their “safe place” while 14 per cent said they store items such as magazines, books and even food for times when they hide away in the bathroom.