Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, based in Cherry Hill, is the state’s oldest organization devoted to the rescue of retired racing greyhounds. The group will hold a special Adoption Open House on September 20, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Tabernacle Bed & Biscuit 46 Carranza Road, Tabernacle, NJ. Open to the public, this event featuring 20-30 greyhounds available for adoption will give newcomers to the world of greyhounds and those looking to add to their pack, a chance to spend time with these wonderful dogs, ask questions of the experts in attendance, have a bite to eat and adopt a new “best friend.” Visitors will come from every corner of New Jersey.
Adoptions are done by application to pre-approved applicants only. Volunteers and owners will be on hand to answer questions about the breed and how to help an ex-racing greyhound adjust to life outside the track.
For more information about the event and how to adopt a greyhound, go to or call 732-356-4370.