Warm Weather Safety with the US Consumer Safety Commission Download

29:44 Download May 26th, 2021

Product Safety Investigator Maryanne McGerty-Sieber returns for her seasonal update on safety with information from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.  After a review of recalls and the mission of the agency, overseeing the consumer products sold  in the US, we discussed pool safety – remember, barriers, the more the better, gas grills and sports equipment.  She also discussed summer rentals and how to access them for children’s safety.  We also discussed bad weather, while it is hurricane season she reminds us that any bad storm can take out power for weeks at a time,  she offered survival kit recommendations and grill and portable generator safety infprmation.  Finally, we discussed the resources offered by CPSC, brochures and pamphlets – in multiple languages – for keeping your family and neighbors safe, information for church and civic groups to use to protect children and the elderly in the community.

For more information on product recalls, reporting an issue, saftey tips and community resource materials visit CPSC.gov

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