US Postal Inspector George Clark Download

29:47 Download April 5th, 2022

George Clark, US Postal Inspector, discussed the US Post Office, its history and its impact on commerce and homeland security.  Violations are a federal crime and his office investigates, with the full authority and resources of any law enforcement agency.  He described the types of mail that are prohibited – firearms, explosives, volatile chemicals – and why.  He discussed their main concern. Mail theft and fraud.  He reminds everyone that if an offer is too good, it probably is, and he warned us against fake lotteries, work-at-home ofers, fraudulent charities, and romance schemes.  He asks everyone to stop before responding, ask a relative or trusted friend’s advice and to just ‘Google’ the sender and to report anything suspicious to the US Postmaster.    For tips and information on reporting a crime go to USPIS.GOV or call 877-876-2455

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