Philadelphia-Based Jeweler Offers Travis Kelce Million-Dollar Engagement Ring For Taylor Swift
From one famous Singer to another! A Philadelphia-based jeweler offers Travis Kelce a million-dollar engagement ring for Taylor Swift. There are rumors the couple will get engaged in the near future. Will they take up this offer?
Love Business
You have heard the phrase “I Hate Steven Singer.” Steven Singer is a jeweler on the “other” corner of Eighth and Walnut in Philadelphia, and other jewelers hate him because they cannot match his quality and price. Singer is known for his creative marketing. And it is probably because he claims to not be in the jewelry business. He is in the “Love Business.”
Steven Singer is the guy who brings us the gold-dipped roses. They are real roses covered in luxurious 24-karat pure gold. They are deeply dipped and finished by hand by skilled artisans. And these roses last forever – guaranteed! Every year Singer comes out with a new color (there are already so many) and this year it is Malibu Pink. Barbie started this trend early in 2023, and Singer continues it.
An Honor
According to a press release, Singer said, “I recognize that the most renowned couple globally has an abundance of options when it comes to choosing engagement rings, should they decide to tie the knot. If they do, I would be honored to help design a truly extraordinary ring exclusively for them.”

That ring would look amazing on Taylor’s finger. Will it happen???
Wow! That is a truly generous gesture. I know Steven Singer, (he is a sponsor of the 92.5 XTU as well) and I can tell you that he truly is that generous. But sometimes that generosity benefits him as well.
The press release goes on to say, “While some may view my unconventional campaigns such as I Hate Steven Singer as wild, the motivation behind gifting such a valuable ring is deeply personal. My daughter is an avid fan of Taylor Swift, and we admire not only her, but also the values she champions. Growing up just outside Philadelphia, where I hail from, I’m also an Eagles fan, as well as for Jason and Travis. Perhaps, by presenting them with the ring of their dreams, it might make securing concert tickets for her next tour a tad easier,” he humorously added.
The Ring

Take a look at the million-dollar ring from every angle. It is absolutely gorgeous.
So, what do we know about the ring in question? It is truly magnificent. Singer describes it as an Art Deco style emerald cut real, natural, Earth Born Diamond Engagement Ring. It is handmade in Platinum and is almost 7 ½ carats in total weight.

Here it is. A beautiful ring for a beautiful couple. I mean … I would take it …
Will Travis Kelce accept Steven Singer’s offer and pop the question to Taylor Swift? We’ll have to wait to find out!